In the midst of the vast Pacific Ocean, there’s a certain tiny, extremely lush, volcanic anomaly situated within an archipelago of similar tropical islands. On a map, it looks like the middle of nowhere. But for Chris and Lin ter Horst, this remote island is a haven for everything that matters. This is the Maui that Chris and Lin fell in love with in 2012.
Maui is worlds apart from where they met. Chris and Lin’s story begins in China, where they lived and worked for years. They were accomplished professionals from the West living in the bustling, prosperous China of the 21st century. A native of the Netherlands, Chris was a supply chain expert in the hydraulics industry who trained for triathlons in his spare time, while Lin was an investment banker who eventually made the leap to her passion in the culinary arts. A graduate of Le Cordon Bleu in London, Lin was an accomplished pastry chef in Beijing known for her pastry classes and elaborate wedding cakes featured in publications such as Cosmopolitan Bride.
Their next chapter took them to the antithesis of China. Chris and Lin went from the world’s most populated city in the world’s most populated country to the minute island of Maui, where the tropical produce and botanicals inspired them to create an award-winning exotic fruit jelly made from local everything—Mango, Pineapple, Passion Fruit (Lilikoi), Papaya and Coconut, as well as the exotic flavors of Turmeric, Ginger Pineapple, Jalapeno Pineapple, and herb and spice-infused wines. These exotic fruit jellies are enjoyed by locals as well as visitors and are a unique Hawaii gift of true aloha.
These artisan made Hawaii treats are a new twist to the classic French pate de fruit. Entirely natural, wheatless, and vegan, Maui Fruit Jewels have intense flavors like nothing you’ve ever tasted. These gourmet fruit jellies contain over 50% fresh local fruit, pureed then combined in the traditional French technique with organic sugar, glucose, pectin, and citric acid in small, handcrafted batches.
We hope you enjoy this gourmet taste of exotic Maui, and thank you for your patronage.
We make our products at a certified commercial kitchen in Wailuku.
Maui Fruit Jewels are available at select retail stores and online. Please click on Shop in the menu bar to order directly from us or go to Locations for a list of stores that carry our products.